Monday, September 12, 2011

Girl's Weekend!

This weekend I was able to go to California for a girl’s weekend. Not all of the girls could make it, but we had tons of fun with the ones who could. We spent Friday and Saturday at the beach and the weather was perfect!! It was great being able to catch up with everyone!

Nick spent that weekend being a single Daddy. On Friday, Granny Annie took them out to dinner at Islands and then spent some time with them at the splash pad. Then on Saturday, Abby had a sleep over with Aunt Amy and Uncle Eric! They started off with a trip to As You Wish for some pottery painting and then some styling fun at Target! (thanks to Amy for the pictures I took off Facebook :)) Abby had a great time. A BIG thanks goes out to Amy to Eric! Nick and Savannah spent Saturday watching football and being fussy because 3 more teeth are coming in. Poor baby.

Laura, Karen, Ashley, Shelley, Carrie and Lisa

Abby's painted piggy bank

Fun at Target!!